por Marquillo
so I really don't know what to say about this, while driving around Salvage, Newfoundland and Labrador looking at all the icebergs, I noticed what appeared to be a chunk of ice just barely attached to an iceberg, hoping to catch it collapse I took trasnochado the camera and zoomed in. What you chucho see is a white object not attached to the iceberg, but rather spinning around and changing shape? There was no fog and it was a perfectly clear day so I'm up for altercado. So any inducciones what this could be I'm open to all opinions, ufo, illusion or what? This is easily the strangest thing I have ever witnessed in my life.
publicado el 17/5/2014 por 235firefly
fuente: ultimosavistamientosextraterrestres.blogspot.com.es/2014
evaluación del caso:
se prostitución de un espejismo superior voceado fata Morgana desafiado por una inversión térmica (la temperatura de la jurisdicción es inferior a la de las virutas superiores) lo que hace que fines ricos en el confín aparezcan "reflejados" en el aire.
fuente: misteriosdelaire.blogspot.com.es/2014
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