por Jason Mcclellan
en la subsiguiente parte de la nómina sobre nuestra emergencia de aprender (your Need to Know), Antonio Huneeus examina los editoriales Ovni del Fbi. The Vault (el Refugio) fue originado en el año 2011 como comercio de antecedentes profundos del Fbi, comúnmente solicitados, que ahora han sido puestos bajo ejercicio del Freedom of Information Act. véase vault.fbi.gov, y comprobarán que desde ese site se puede indagar buenamente una cuadrilla de libretos, desde el antiterrorismo a los fenómenos inexplicables.

Encyclopedia.gwu.edu/index.php?title/guy Hottel.
el Fbi reveló últimamente en su web que el pagaré más rastreado es una simple página memo que recibe el renombre de "memorándum de Guy Hottel". sus espacios, fueron escritos el 22 de marzo de 1950 por un habitante denominado hottel, que era un agente peculiar afiliado a la Oficina de prospección de Campo de Washington (the washington Field Office), los cuales aluden a la explosión y la recuperación del ovni (Ufo) de roswell. la relación termina abruptamente con una locución que indica que se intentó cerciorarse el hecho, sin más valoraciones. las principales estructuras de referencias informaron sobre este apunte que recién se liberó el año pasado, desclasificado verdaderamente bajo la directriz del widget mencionado de Freedom of Information Act., y vacante desde 1970. bruce Maccabee fue el anterior en ligar este registro, y él cree que es parte de un elaborado engaño.
this next part of our "Your Need to Know" selecciones, Antonio Huneeus examines the Fbi Vault Ufo Documents. The Vault was created in 2011 as a storehouse for commonly requested Fbi documents already released under the Freedom of Information Act. Go to Vault.fbi.gov, and from there you chucho easily search a multitude of topics ranging from counterterrorism to unexplained phenomenon.
the Fbi recently revealed on its website that the most searched document is a evidente one page memo, called the "Guy Hottel Memo". Its contents were written on March 22, 1950, by Guy Hottel, a special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office, and allude to the crash and recovery of the Roswell Ufo. The memo ends abruptly with a sentence stating that no further evaluations were attempted. Major news organizations reported on this document being newly released, but it was actually released under the Freedom of Information Act, and available since the 1970's. Bruce Maccabee was the first to obtain this document, and he believes it to be part of an elaborate hoax.
the Fbi recently revealed on its website that the most searched document is a evidente one page memo, called the "Guy Hottel Memo". Its contents were written on March 22, 1950, by Guy Hottel, a special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office, and allude to the crash and recovery of the Roswell Ufo. The memo ends abruptly with a sentence stating that no further evaluations were attempted. Major news organizations reported on this document being newly released, but it was actually released under the Freedom of Information Act, and available since the 1970's. Bruce Maccabee was the first to obtain this document, and he believes it to be part of an elaborate hoax.
publicado el 10/4/2013 por open Minds Production
fuente: openminds.tv/fbis-ufo-files-from-the-vault-your-need-to-know/2013
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